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Halden's Internship Week 1

July 1, 2024 by Halden Kavanagh


Week 1 (5/28/24 - 5/31/24)

Hello, my name is Halden Kavanagh, and I am so happy to be the newest developer intern at Razoyo!

My first week was a busy one. It began with a virtual meeting with Razoyo’s President, Paul Byrne, who introduced me to the tech stack I would be using to refactor the company’s website. This included several new tools that I had never worked with before, and I was eager to dive in and explore them. This week, I’ve spent most of my time learning these tools and frameworks, putting together a demo to apply my understanding.

First, I began with a very simple demo to learn how Hugo works. I added some pages, navigation, a map, some blog posts and an API call. I then moved onto a more in depth demo where I plan on fleshing out the search feature, bookshopping components, and blogging functionality.

Phew! Didn’t I tell you it was a busy week? And it didn’t stop there. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a marketing meeting, and it gave me great insight and a more holistic view of how companies like Razoyo function. Additionally, my coworkers have been very welcoming, making me feel part of the team. I am excited to continue working in this great environment and contributing to Razoyo’s projects.

Follow along week by week as I share my journey during my 12 week internship!

Screenshot of a demo website
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