Google Analytics upgrade November 21, 2011 by Paul Byrne Business Environment I just got notification from Google of an important Google Analytics Upgrade. I’m glad I am not a competitor in the analytics space. With this upgrade, Google is filling in most of the gaps in their service. After search, I think Analytics is what the very smart people at Google do best. Key upgrades include: Event Goals! - track events other than transactions such as subscriptions, downloads, video views, etc. Mobile reporting - see how much of your traffic, sales, or events comes from mobile devices Flow visualization - see how traffic flows through your site Disclaimer: I’m a Google Analytics fan. The biggest drawback of Google Analytics is that you have to share your data with Google to make it work, and, I understand that some people feel Google may misuse their data. I respect that position, but feel that for my web sites and the vast majority, the advantages of Google Analytics far outweigh the risks. They don’t pay me to say this, but, I freely admit to being pro-Google on this issue.